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 Премия имени Ширли Джексон / Shirley Jackson Award Премия имени Ширли Джексон
Место проведения:  Бостонский книжный фестиваль (Boston Book Festival) / Ридеркон (Readercon)
Дата проведения:  29 октября 2022 г.
Роман Стивен Грэм Джонс "Моё сердце — бензопила"
Stephen Graham Jones "My Heart Is a Chainsaw"
Анджела Слэттер "All the Murmuring Bones"
Angela Slatter "All the Murmuring Bones"
Джефф Вандермеер "Hummingbird Salamander"
Jeff VanderMeer "Hummingbird Salamander"
Кэдуэлл Тёрнбулл "No Gods, No Monsters"
Cadwell Turnbull "No Gods, No Monsters"
Кассандра Хоу "Чёрные зубы"
Cassandra Khaw "Nothing but Blackened Teeth"
Повесть Зин Роклин "Flowers for the Sea"
Zin E. Rocklyn "Flowers for the Sea"
Кэтрин М. Валенте "Comfort Me With Apples"
Catherynne M. Valente "Comfort Me With Apples"
Аарон Драйз "Dirty Heads"
Aaron Dries "Dirty Heads"
Майкл Бэйли "A Rose / Arose"
Michael Bailey "A Rose / Arose"
Хосе Луис Сарате Эррера "La ruta del hielo y la sal" (перевод с испанского David Bowles)
José Luis Zárate "The Route of Ice and Salt"
Короткая повесть Е. А. Петрикоун "We, the Girls Who Did Not Make It"
E. A. Petricone "We, the Girls Who Did Not Make It"
Лиза Ангер "House of Crows"
Lisa Unger "House of Crows"
Э. К. Уайз "The Nag Bride"
A. C. Wise "The Nag Bride"
Джесс Лэндри "The Night Belongs to Us"
Jess Landry "The Night Belongs to Us"
Маргарет Джеймсон "The Women"
Margaret Jameson "The Women"
Рассказ Изабель Ким "You'll Understand When You're a Mom Someday"
Isabel J. Kim "You'll Understand When You're a Mom Someday"
Л. Д. Льюис "Dizzy in the Weeds"
L. D. Lewis "Dizzy in the Weeds"
Карли Сент-Джордж "Forward, Victoria"
Carlie St. George "Forward, Victoria"
Гордон Б. Уайт "Gordon B. White is Creating Haunting Weird Horror"
Gordon B. White "Gordon B. White is Creating Haunting Weird Horror"
Никасио Андерс Рид "Human Reason"
Nicasio Andres Reed "Human Reason"
Авторский сборник Кейт Россон "Folk Songs for Trauma Surgeons"
Keith Rosson "Folk Songs for Trauma Surgeons"
Хироми Каваками "People from My Neighborhood" (перевод с японского Ted Goossen)
Hiromi Kawakami "People from My Neighborhood"
Дж. А. У. Маккарти "Sometime's We're Cruel and Other Stories"
J. A. W. McCarthy "Sometime's We're Cruel and Other Stories"
Курт Фовер "We Are Happy, We Are Doomed"
Kurt Fawver "We Are Happy, We Are Doomed"
Джон Линвуд Грант "Where All Is Night, and Starless"
John Linwood Grant "Where All Is Night, and Starless"
Антология Эрик Дж. Гиньяр "Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology to the Most (Fictional) Haunted Buildings in the Weird, Wild World"
Eric J. Guignard "Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology to the Most (Fictional) Haunted Buildings in the Weird, Wild World"
Дэйв Ринг "Unfettered Hexes: Queer Tales of Insatiable Darkness"
Dave Ring "Unfettered Hexes: Queer Tales of Insatiable Darkness"
Ребекка Брюйер "Giving the Devil His Due"
Rebecca Brewer "Giving the Devil His Due"
Кен Макгрегор "Stitched Lips: An Anthology of Horror from Silenced Voices"
Ken MacGregor "Stitched Lips: An Anthology of Horror from Silenced Voices"
Аарон Дж. Френч, Джесс Лэндри "There Is No Death, There Are No Dead"
Aaron J. French, Jess Landry "There Is No Death, There Are No Dead"
Специальный приз Эллен Датлоу "When Things Get Dark: Stories Inspired by Shirley Jackson"
Ellen Datlow "When Things Get Dark: Stories Inspired by Shirley Jackson"
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