Horror 100 Best Books

«Horror: 100 Best Books»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
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Horror: 100 Best Books

Язык издания: английский

Составители: ,

New York: Carroll & Graf, 1998 г.

ISBN: 0-7867-0552-3

Тип обложки: мягкая

Страниц: 366


  1. Ramsey Campbell. Foreword (статья)
  2. Kim Newman, Stephen Jones. It Seemed Like a Simple Idea at the Time... (статья)
  3. Clive Barker. Doctor Faustus (c. 1592) (эссе)
  4. John Blackburn. The Tragedy of Macbeth (1606) (эссе)
  5. Diana Wynne Jones. The White Devil (1612) (эссе)
  6. Scott Bradfield. Caleb Williams (1794) (эссе)
  7. Les Daniels. The Monk (1796) (эссе)
  8. John Sladek. The Best Tales of Hoffmann (1814-16) (эссе)
  9. David Pirie. Northanger Abbey (1817) (эссе)
  10. Jane Yolen. Frankenstein (1818) (эссе)
  11. Peter Tremayne. Melmoth the Wanderer (1820) (эссе)
  12. Garry Kilworth. The Confessions of a Justified Sinner (1824) (эссе)
  13. John M. Ford. Tales of Mystery and Imagination (1838) (статья)
  14. Edgar Allan Poe. Twice-Told Tales (1837, expanded 1842) (эссе)
  15. Thomas Tessier. The Black Spider (1842) (эссе)
  16. Thomas M. Disch. The Wandering Jew (1844-45) (эссе)
  17. Michael McDowell. The Confidence Man (1857) (эссе)
  18. M. R. James. Uncle Silas (1864) (статья)
  19. Jack Williamson. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) (эссе)
  20. Tim Stout. She (1887) (эссе)
  21. H. P. Lovecraft. The King in Yellow (1895) (эссе)
  22. Gene Wolfe. The Island of Dr. Moreau (1896) (эссе)
  23. Colin Wilson. Dracula (1897) (эссе)
  24. Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes. The Turn of the Screw (1898) (эссе)
  25. Douglas E. Winter. Heart of Darkness (1902) (эссе)
  26. Richard Dalby. The Jewel of Seven Stars (1903) (эссе)
  27. Geoff Ryman. Ghost Stories of an Antiquary (1904) (эссе)
  28. T. E. D. Klein. The House of Souls (1906) (эссе)
  29. Hilaire Belloc. John Silence (1908) (эссе)
  30. David Langford. The Man Who Was Thursday (1908) (эссе)
  31. Terry Pratchett. The House on the Borderland (1908) (эссе)
  32. Milton Subotsky. Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce (1909) (эссе)
  33. Mike Ashley. Widdershins (1911) (эссе)
  34. Basil Copper. The Horror Horn (1912-34) (эссе)
  35. George Hay. A Voyage to Arcturus (1920) (эссе)
  36. Steve Rasnic Tem. The Trial (1925) (эссе)
  37. Robert E. Howard. Something About Eve (1929) (рецензия)
  38. Karl Edward Wagner. Medusa (1929) (эссе)
  39. Marvin Nathan Kaye. The Werewolf of Paris (1933) (эссе)
  40. Jessica Amanda Salmonson. The Last Bouquet (1933) (эссе)
  41. Robert Bloch. The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck (1934) (эссе)
  42. Hugh Lamb. A Second Century of Creepy Stories (1937) (рецензия)
  43. Robert Lionel Fanthorpe. The Dark Tower (c. 1938) (эссе)
  44. Dennis Etchison. Johnny Got His Gun (1939) (эссе)
  45. Donald A. Wollheim. The Outsider and Others (1939) (эссе)
  46. Harlan Ellison. Out of Space and Time (1942) (эссе)
  47. Gerald Page. Conjure Wife (1943) (эссе)
  48. Maxim Jakubowski. Night Has a Thousand Eyes (1943) (эссе)
  49. Graham Masterton. The Lurker at the Threshold (1945) (эссе)
  50. Forrest J. Ackerman. Deliver Me from Eva (1946) (эссе)
  51. David G. Hartwell. And the Darkness Falls (1946) (эссе)
  52. Peter Haining. The Sleeping and the Dead (1947) (эссе)
  53. Robert McCammon. Track of the Cat (1949) (статья)
  54. Suzy McKee Charnas. The Sound of His Horn (1952) (эссе)
  55. Joe Haldeman. Lord of the Flies (1954) (эссе)
  56. Richard Christian Matheson. I Am Legend (1954) (эссе)
  57. Joe R. Lansdale. The October Country (1955) (эссе)
  58. Stephen Gallagher. Nine Horrors and a Dream (1958) (эссе)
  59. Hugh B. Cave. Psycho (1959) (эссе)
  60. Stephen Laws. Quatermass and the Pit (1959) (эссе)
  61. Michel Parry. Cry Horror! (1959) (эссе)
  62. Lisa Tuttle. The Haunting of Hill House (1959) (рецензия)
  63. Tad Williams. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1964) (эссе)
  64. Jack Dann. The Painted Bird (1965) (эссе)
  65. Craig Shaw Gardner. The Crystal World (1966) (эссе)
  66. Colin Greenland. Sub Rosa (1968) (эссе)
  67. Brian W. Aldiss. The Green Man (1969) (эссе)
  68. Neil Gaiman. The Complete Werewolf (1969) (эссе)
  69. Dan Simmons. Grendel (1971) (эссе)
  70. F. Paul Wilson. The Exorcist (1971) (рецензия)
  71. John Skipp. The Sheep Look Up (1972) (эссе)
  72. Frances Garfield. Worse Things Waiting (1973) (эссе)
  73. Stephen King. Burnt Offerings (1973) (эссе)
  74. Al Sarrantonio. Salem’s Lot (1975) (эссе)
  75. Craig Spector. Deathbird Stories (1975) (эссе)
  76. Brian Lumley. Murgunstrumm and Others (1977) (рецензия)
  77. Charles L. Grant. Sweetheart, Sweetheart (1977) (эссе)
  78. David J. Schow. All Heads Turn When the Hunt Goes By (1977) (эссе)
  79. Peter Straub. The Shining (1977) (эссе)
  80. William Francis Nolan. Falling Angel (1977) (эссе)
  81. Charles de Lint. The Wolfen (1978) (эссе)
  82. Shaun Hutson. The Totem (1979) (эссе)
  83. Peter Nicholls. Ghost Story (1979) (эссе)
  84. Christopher Evans. The Land of Laughs (1980) (эссе)
  85. David S. Garnett. The Cellar (1980) (эссе)
  86. Chet Williamson. Red Dragon (1981) (эссе)
  87. J. N. Williamson. The Keep (1981) (эссе)
  88. Samantha Lee. The Dark Country (1982) (эссе)
  89. Ramsey Campbell. In a Lonely Place (1983) (эссе)
  90. John Clute. The Anubis Gates (1983) (эссе)
  91. Brian Stableford. The Arabian Nightmare (1983) (эссе)
  92. Malcolm Edwards. The Wasp Factory (1984) (эссе)
  93. Thomas Francis Monteleone. The Ceremonies (1984) (эссе)
  94. Michael Moorcock. Mythago Wood (1984) (эссе)
  95. Ian Watson. Who Made Stevie Crye? (1984) (эссе)
  96. Edward Bryant. Song of Kali (1985) (эссе)
  97. Adrian Cole. The Damnation Game (1985) (эссе)
  98. R. S. Hadji . Hawksmoor (1985) (эссе)
  99. Robert Holdstock. A Nest of Nightmares (1986) (эссе)
  100. Guy N. Smith. The Pet (1986) (рецензия)
  101. Eddy C. Bertin. Swan Song (1987) (эссе)
  102. Jack Sullivan. Dark Feasts (1987) (эссе)

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