The Magazine of Fantasy ...

«The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May 1988»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May 1988

Язык издания: английский

1988 г. (май)

Тираж: не указан

Формат: 80х108/32 (130х190 мм)

Страниц: 164


Cover art by James Gurney.


  1. James Tiptree, Jr. The Color of Neanderthal Eyes (novella), р. 8-78
  2. Orson Scott Card. Books to Look For (review), р. 80-85
  3. Michael Bishop. A Reply to Orson Scott Card (essay), р. 85-87
  4. Brad Strickland. Caution Sign (short story), р. 88-92
  5. Charles Platt. Inside Science Fiction: Ackermania (short story), р. 93-98
  6. Andrew Klavan. The Woman in the Wood (poem), р. 99-105
  7. Chet Williamson. Miss Tuck and the Gingerbread Boy (short story), р. 106-114, 141
  8. Paul Di Filippo. A Short Course in Art Appreciation (short story), р. 115-123
  9. Harlan Ellison. Harlan Ellison's Watching: Installment #29 (essay), р. 124-131
  10. Karen Haber. Madre De Dios (short story), р. 132-141
  11. Isaac Asimov. From Pole to Pole (essay), р. 142-152
  12. James Morrow. The Eye That Never Blinks (short story), р. 153-161


На обложке журнала иллюстрация к повести Д. Типтри.

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