Janet Jeppson Asimov Notes ...

Janet Jeppson Asimov «Notes for a Memoir: On Isaac Asimov, Life, and Writing»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

Notes for a Memoir: On Isaac Asimov, Life, and Writing

авторская книга, первое издание

Язык издания: английский

Amherst (NY): Prometheus Books, 2006 г. (май)

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 1-59102-405-6

Тип обложки: твёрдая + суперобложка

Формат: другой

Страниц: 208


Сollection of non-fiction articles and essays on numerous topics, many autobiographical, some previously published; an appendix includes seven stories, all reprints.

Book is both a autobiography of Janet's life with her famous husband, scientist and writer Isaac, and survey of Isaac Asimov's ideals and values.


  1. Janet Jeppson Asimov. Notes for a Memoir: On Isaac Asimov, Life, and Writing (документальное произведение)

    1. Introduction, c. 9-9
    2. 1. Imagination, c. 11-17
    3. 2. Imagination and Reading, c. 19-25
    4. 3. Isaac, c. 27-35
      1. Isaac Asimov. Love Is a Three-Letter Word (стихотворение), c. 29-29
    5. 4. Journeys, c. 37-49
      1. Isaac Asimov and Amtrak (эссе), c. 41-49
    6. 5. Quirks, c. 51-56
    7. 6. Religion, c. 57-66
    8. 7. Philosophy, c. 67-72
    9. 8. Sex, c. 73-77
    10. 9. Identity, c. 79-97
      1. A Learning Experience (эссе), c. 90-96
    11. 10. Relatives, c. 99-104
    12. 11. The Golden Thirties, c. 105-109
    13. 12. Summer Neverland in a Troubled World, c. 111-113
    14. 13. Psychoanalyst, c. 115-119
    15. 14. Compulsive Writing, c. 121-124
    16. 15. Being a Writing (Problem and, Um, Joys), c. 125-137
    17. 16. More Notes, and Grief Work, c. 139-154
    18. 17. Mortality (Intimations Of and Coping With), c. 155-159
    19. Appendix: A Few Short Stories
      1. Grimm Witchery (рассказ), с. 161-167
      2. Low Hurdle (рассказ), с. 167-172
      3. Relics (рассказ), с. 172-176
      4. The Fingerprints of the Gods (with apologies to string theorists) (рассказ), с. 177-178
      5. Red Devil Statement (рассказ), с. 178-187
      6. The Contagion (рассказ), с. 187-197
      7. Another Alice Universe (рассказ), с. 197-205
    20. Bibliography, c. 207-207


Размер книги: 16х23,5 см.

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