Ingunn Lunde Language on ...

Ingunn Lunde «Language on Display Writers, Fiction and Linguistic Culture in Post-Soviet Russia»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

Language on Display Writers, Fiction and Linguistic Culture in Post-Soviet Russia

авторская книга, первое издание

Язык издания: английский

Edinburgh University Press, 2017 г.

Серия: Russian Language and Society

ISBN: 9781474421560

Тип обложки: твёрдая

Страниц: 232


  1. Ingunn Lunde. Language on Display Writers, Fiction and Linguistic Culture in Post-Soviet Russia (монография)

      Note on transliteration and translations

      Introduction: sociolinguistic change and the response of literature

      Part I. Post-Soviet language culture

      Chapter 1. Newspeak, counterspeak and linguistic memory

      Chapter 2. Challenging the standard

      Part II. Language, writers and fiction

      Chapter 3. Languages and styles of post-Soviet Russian prose

      Chapter 4. The literary norm

      Part III. Writers on language: telling and showing

      Chapter 5. Pisateli o iazyke: writers’ reflections on language

      Chapter 6. Abanamat: reactions to the ban on profanity in art (2014)

      Part IV. Language on display

      Chapter 7. Confronting linguistic legacies: Evgenii Popov and Vladimir Sorokin

      Chapter 8. Language, time and linguistic dystopia: Tatiana Tolstaia and Evgenii Vodolazkin

      Chapter 9. Language ideologies and society: Valerii Votrin and Mikhail Gigolashvili

      Conclusion: Towards a theory of performative metalanguage



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