Amazing Science Fiction ...

«Amazing Science Fiction Stories, July 1981»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Amazing Science Fiction Stories, July 1981

Язык издания: английский

1981 г. (июль)

Тираж: не указан

Страниц: 132


Художник Vincent Di Fate


  1. In this Issue (Amazing Stories, July 1981)
  2. Барри Молзберг. Is the Most Speculative Form of Fiction Afraid to Gamble Anymore . . . ? (эссе)
  3. Роберт Силверберг. Opinion (Amazing Stories, July 1981) (статья)
  4. The Interstellar Connection (Amazing Stories, July 1981) [essay by Tom Staicar]
  5. Review: The Stories of Ray Bradbury by Ray Bradbury [review by Tom Staicar]
  6. Review: Ray Bradbury by Wayne L. Johnson [review by Tom Staicar]
  7. Review: Ray Bradbury by Joseph D. Olander and Martin Harry Greenberg [review by Tom Staicar]
  8. Review: Golem by Alfred Bester [review by Tom Staicar]
  9. Review: Shatterday by Harlan Ellison [review by Tom Staicar]
  10. Review: All the Lies that Are My Life by Harlan Ellison [review by The Editor]
  11. Review: Science Fiction Origins by William F. Nolan and Martin H. Greenberg [review by Tom Staicar]
  12. Review: The Last Castle by Jack Vance [review by Tom Staicar]
  13. Review: Cosmos by Carl Sagan [review by Tom Staicar]
  14. Review: Beyond the Moon by Paolo Maffei [review by Tom Staicar]
  15. Review: Planetary Encounters by Robert M. Powers [review by Tom Staicar]
  16. Review: DiFate's Catalog of Science Fiction Hardware by Vincent DiFate and Ian Summers [review by Elinor Mavor]
  17. An Interview With Bob Shaw • interview of Bob Shaw [interview by Dr. Jeffrey M. Elliot]
  18. Intercom (Amazing Stories, July 1981) [essay by Elinor Mavor]
  19. Роберт Адамс. The Hunter: A Tale of the Horseclans (рассказ)
  20. Robert Adams [essay by The Editor]
  21. Роджер Желязны. Голый матадор (рассказ)
  22. Роджер Желязны. Dance (стихотворение)
  23. Roger Zelazny [essay by The Editor]
  24. Рон Гуларт. Plumrose (рассказ)
  25. Рон Гуларт. Plumrose: Introduction (эссе)
  26. Ron Goulart [essay by Elinor Mavor]
  27. Namesake [shortstory by Elizabeth Morton]
  28. Ричард А. Лупофф. The Nosepickers of Dawr (рассказ)
  29. Ричард А. Лупофф. My Friend Ova Hamlet (эссе)
  30. Timestopper [shortstory by Ken Doggett]
  31. Ken Doggett [essay by Ken Doggett]
  32. Джеймс Патрик Келли. Last Contact (рассказ)
  33. Джеймс Патрик Келли. James Patrick Kelly (эссе)
  34. Скотт Грин. Wabash Ave. (поэма)
  35. Ричард Паркс. The Passing (рассказ)
  36. Ричард Паркс. Rick Parks (очерк)
  37. Джо Фрохлич. Sorcery (стихотворение)
  38. The Butter Lady [shortstory by Ron Montana]
  39. Ron Montana
  40. Дарелл Швайцер. Raving Lunacy (рассказ)
  41. Дарелл Швайцер. Darrell Schweitzer (Bio) (статья)
  42. Давид Банч. Practicing (стихотворение)
  43. No Smoking [shortstory by Robert H. Brown]
  44. Уэйн Уайтмэн. At the Center of the Universe (рассказ)
  45. The Man Who Loved Mars [essay by Dave Stover]
  46. Impossible Numbers [essay by Steve Aaronson]

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